Logo of Doom

Shiro drawn by Dot Warner. At the time, the comic was on hiatus (a really, really long hiatus...^^;;)
An "advertisement" for the Computer by A. Twu. Doesn't that just make you want to run out and buy one?
A very cute Imako by Unoriginality. Imako's not in the comic yet, but as her character bio said, she doesn't live totally in reality. This picture fits her so well it's almost scary.
Shiro and Akht'qa by Capsule Girl. I'm not sure what it is about Akht'qa in this picture, but I absolutely love it.
Shiro by Bree. Nice shading.
Shiro leaning against the computer by Uncreativity.
Shiro and Akht'qa by Spike. *_* Isn't this picture amazing? The theme was "evil twin," so it's Shiro and Akht'qa as space pirates. Interestingly enough, Shiro does have an evil twin of sorts...but I'm not gonna tell you story spoilers, so there. :P
A cute picture of Shiro by my real-life friend Yugure.
Shiro faces down the computer, drawn by Stareyes, who describes Shiro as "a confident free spirit, even if it is to the point of stupidity." I love the lighting effects of the computer on Shiro's face.
Shiro washing windows, by Andrew. Very...interesting. ^_^
Shiro: *glare* *plots revenge*
My first fanart of Laeiluri, by Hawk. She looks incredibly cute! And a pretty background, too.
A great marker picture of Shiro by Xlade. Wish I could color in markers...
Akht'qa by Alucard. He's kind of creepy looking...
A very cute Shiro by Chiquita. She describes it as "an experiment in markers"--I really like how it came out.
Sabrina has put Imako into a rather embarassing-but funny-situation...Poor Imako. I wonder who the tag is addressed to...
Crystal drew Akht'qa for me because he was sorely under-represented in the fanart gallery here. The shading on the skin tones is really great.
A really cute picture of Shiro by Darksortie.
Imako by K. Mai. I love the way the hair looks so...flowing. Ish. Or something like that.
Xalan drew this pretty picture of Imako. She's so pretty and peaceful-looking.
Another nice picture of Imako, also byXalan. I like the expression on her face.
The whole group so far--Imako, Shiro, and the Computer--by Coyote the Bando.
Wow. Dave drew this great black and white picture of Shiro. I like how he's done her hair.
Akht'qa by L. Buff. Yay for bishonen! ^__^
Bunny drew Imako in this cool new outift.
Here's an absolutely incredible picture of Imako by Emiko.

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